Monday, August 04, 2014

Sudden Death
We plopped onto the server it was my birthday and all my friends where going to play the new mini game that I made on jerry and harry it was called Sudden death there was: Me, Ethin, Caitlin,  Nikita,  my bff Caleb, Grayson,  The famous CaptainSparklez, Antvenom,   Jerry, Harry, Skydoesminecraft and Bashur were going to play.Thanks to Jerry and Harry they got all the famous minecrafters. When we got into our private lobby we chose a game and got into our teams. “Do you guys want to have mixed team” said Captainsparklez “naa Youtubers vs noun Youtubers” I said looking at  Antvenom weirdly (Because he is a fighter) . We  got into our team Skype call. When my team was ready I pushed the ready button on the wall.Then I forgot to tell the rules to everybody and then something came from chat “What the heck dude I don’t know the rules” Said Bashur I went out of my team call and went into their call and told them the rules.

Rules and how to play the game
So in the game one person in your team is actually on the other team and have to lead the other team to where he is and when they get to them they have to kill all other teams players. But there is only one winner or your team wins so if you kill all your team and the other team you win or just kill all the other team

Rule 1 : You can’t kill anyone until 30 minutes is over  
Rule 2 : Don’t tell anyone that your a murder

When I told the youtubes and  they said this “THAT SOUNDS AWESOME” and then I went into my teams call and then the msg bar it went 3 2 1 and it started I look at the msg bar and it said I was a murder and I was going to act like it.
I started trying to a stone pic.Then I saw a melon and my health bar was low  so I broke the melon block then I saw  bashur on a the tree watching me eat on the other side of the map.On  last melon piece .Then Grayson ran past so I said to bashur “hold on to your thought for one minute all be back” so he could come to me  so I ran after Grayson I stopped and started to cut down a tree. After the whole tree was cut down I made a crafting table and made a pic and then started to mine. (Grayson point of view)I looked over the map and I have not seen any crime scenes at all. But it was pretty weird that Zac was eating melons on the ground looking at Bashur I think that was a clue.

(Back to Zac) 30 Minutes was over and I could kill but I didn’t. Then something came in chat “ItsJerrys was slain by Bashur”so I looked over to other side and I saw Bashur.I  started to hide behind the tree I was on. When I saw CaptainSparklez I said in the chat “over here :)”. He look to the tree I was sitting on then started to mine over to where I was. Behind him was Antvenom,ItsHarry and Sky. I looked over all of them and then I saw that Sky had a DIAMOND SWORD and I wanted it. (Grayson point of view)  Then out of nowhere Sky,Ant,Captainsparklez got into our island. I got scared and just ran out of my hiding space and just started to swing my sword and something amazing happened  I killed sky because it said in chat “Skydoesminecraft was slain by GraysonplaysMC” I looked into my inventory and I got a DIAMOND SWORD and lots of armor. (Zacs point of view)After a while there was just me,grayson,Antvenom, Bashur and Captainsparklez and I'm guessing that all of us want to win by themselves so the first thing I did was look for Antvenom so I could have the glory of killing him /  his armour and diamond axe too. Then it said deathmatch was going to start soon and I got scared so I said this in the chat “Team grayson?” and he replied “kk”. 3 2 1 deathmatch started and just like that Bashur was killed because it said this “Bashur was killed by ANTVENOM” I saw grayson I walked  over to him and Antvenom was running to him with a diamond axe so I grabbed my bow and shot it and shot the bliven out of Antvenom . Then in chat it said “Antvenom was shot by Sergeant Biscuit 1” Then I quickly pushed the f3 button and it took a pic of the chat to show that I killed Antvenom. After we killed Antvenom I ran after CaptainSparklez with Grayson behind me. (Grayson point of view) After that quick event Zac and I ran towards CaptainSparklez and jumped like ninjas and kick him in the face and in the chat it said “Sergeant Biscuit1 And GraysonplaysMC slain CaptainSparklez” then it was just me and Zac stand next to each other and we I said in the chat “should we /kill at the sametime and It was time and then we did it was a tie ”.

The End..
Or is it …

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